At Kansas Wesleyan, we are student-centered and community focused.
Choose a major that fits your purpose AND your passion.
Do you have what it takes to become a Coyote?
A private education can be excellent AND affordable!
At KWU, you have the opportunity to do more AND be more.
Reconnect with fellow Coyotes on and off campus.
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EthnicityHispanic/LatinxBlackAsianAmerican Indian/Alaska NativeWhitePacific IslanderOtherDecline to Answer
Desired Semester of Enrollment*Fall 2024Spring 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Fall 2027Other
What classification will you be entering KWU with?*First Time Freshman- have less than 24 transferable credits or a senior in high schoolTransfer – have 24 or more transferable credit hrs. from other collegesNon-degree seekingRe-admitted studentGraduate
Major Interest*—Please choose an option—Masters of Business AdministrationAccountingArtBiologyBiomedical ChemistryBusiness LeadershipBusiness ManagementChemistryCommunication StudiesCriminal JusticeElementary EducationEmergency ManagementEnglishExercise Science Program With ConcentrationsGraphic DesignHealth & Physical Education Program (PreK-12)Health Science Program With ConcentrationsHistoryLeadershipMarketing CommunicationsMathematicsMBA ProgramMusicMusic Education (PreK-12)Music PerformanceNursing (B.S., Major in Nursing)Philosophy and EthicsPhysicsPre-Athletic TrainingPre-DentistryPre-Law